Sunday, January 23, 2011

20 questions minus 10

"Why is it that men lie and cheat? Why be in a relationship if not ready?"

Pretty interesting question right; I would stake my reputation that lets say 4 of 5 5 of 5 women have asked this question.  And what is the reason behind this question you ask;SEE WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS.....
a friend of mine had been answering the questions of women via video and sent me a few he could not get to.  Unfortunately my camera has not been working so instead of speaking I will be typing. I have 10 questions to answer and for the next 10 days I will be answering them. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT ALWAYS RIGHT JUST 89% OF THE TIME AND I AM NOT AN EXPERT JUST EXPERIENCED.

Now back to the question above (opinions to the answer may vary)
Why is it that men lie and cheat? Why be in a relationship if not ready?   
          Well not all  have this trait and the trait is usually reserved for the romantically/intimately immature.  Many times cheating come from lust and/or opportunity.  The woman that a man cheats with will either do things his girlfriend or wife will not do, the woman he is cheating with was considered unattainable or he just has no respect for the woman and the commitment (which may hint at some deeper insecurity and so forth and so on). The lie is simple he does not want to be caught or if there is a sliver of guilt he does not want to hurt the one he is with.  The reason that males jump into relationships unprepared is to keep from losing what he enjoys; now this is more than just him being able to readily have sex when he wants but just the feeling of knowing that this woman has his back.  The other reason sometimes men think that they are ready for it and unknowing to their conscious mind they are not; the issue for this can be good or bad but still unresolved.  Now with all of this said, not all men cheat just those who are unable to grasp the idea of one woman and one man. 

Now that question one is down look out for the other nine and if you have a question please feel free to leave a comment and ask it and I'll be sure to answer to the masses.

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